Backupuncture II: Integration and Expansion


With Ben Hawes



Sunday, May 15th, 2022

Only for students who have completed Backupuncture I

Topics we'll discuss

  • How changing the spine through distal points, combined with other major postural point strategies, can ameliorate causes of pain in many other places – often supplanting local work on extremities (esp. lower, e.g. knee and foot pain)

  • Using spinal palpation to reveal general nature of points: “open” and “closed”

  • Japanese root treatments to change the spine globally – meridian, shu / mu palpation, and abdominal palpation to supplement / replace the pulse

  • Master Tong Dao Ma strategies to change the spine globally or regionally

  • The Jueyin - Shaoyang treatment – the “excess root treatment” 

  • How the spine changes during a treatment – the need to make multiple passes, and possible explanations for why

  • Communicating a treatment plan – what we are doing, and what we expect to happen

  • Revisiting spinal and point palpation, brushing up on the basics

This will be a small (12 participants or fewer), intensive hands-on class.

Course Objectives:

In this class, students will:
1) Learn to differentiate referred vs. local pain through spinal palpation and amelioration of spinal misalignments.
2) Learn to palpate acupuncture points diagnostically to determine diagnosis and treatment strategies.
3) Learn how to palpate for and employ root treatments from Japanese acupuncture traditions to integrate within the Backupuncture framework.
4) Learn strategies from several non-TCM traditions that can alter spinal alignment.
5) Gain more confident palpation and analytical skills around meridians and the spine.

Location: Backupuncture of Denver, 925 S. Niagara St., Suite 418, Denver CO 80224

Cost: Early-bird registration is $225 by 4/15/2022 ($200 for AAC members), $275/$250 (AAC) thereafter; if taken with Backupuncture I on May 14th, the early-bird cost is $400 for the weekend of courses ($380 for AAC), and $450/$425 (AAC) thereafter.

Register: Please register below. After you submit, you will be redirected to a payment screen. Contact Ben at or 720-370-2711 if you have any issues or questions.

Ben Hawes is a graduate of Brown University (1996) and the New England School of Acupuncture (MAOM: 2001). He has been practicing in rural Southwest Colorado since 2003 and Denver since 2017. Ben has studied Kyojung Korean Physical Manipulation, has been practicing distal styles (Master Tung and Richard Tan’s Balance Method) since 2007, and completed an 18 month internship in Japanese Acupuncture with Jeffrey Dann, PhD in 2016. He is a former faculty member of CSTCM.

Besides acupuncture, he has studied craniosacral therapy with Pat Cunningham, LAc, has been a long-time student of shamanic healing practices with John Myerson, PhD, LAc, and has been an instructor of Zen and pain-relief meditation since 1995.

NCCAOM PDA Provider #9238

Backupuncture® is a registered trademark of Benjamin Hawes and Backupuncture LLC.


Backupuncture I: Let the Spine Be Your Guide